Starch free diets: it is worth trying

Almost every person who wants to lose weight, looking for a diet so that you can not limit yourself too much in the choice of products, but at the same time steadily reduce weight. Just like the famous joke: “to eat this, to lose weight?”. The search for a suitable option may not last a month or even a year, but finding your weight loss option, a person usually remains a fan of it forever.

starch free recipe
Starch free recipe

The essence of the starchfree diet


This method applies to fruit and vegetable diets. Its purpose is to completely eliminate all starch food from your starch free diets. It is very convenient because there is no need to limit yourself to any one product or a small set of allowed dishes. You must comply with only one condition – all products should be free of starch. No more restrictions.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a rather complicated diet, because we are used to such products as potatoes, pasta, bread, and various cereals. But if you look at it, it turns out that the allowed products are much more than those that can not be eaten. 

Let’s first look at what needs to be completely excluded from the menu for the period of the diet. No sugar no grains diet food list.

Prohibited products:

  • Potatoes;
  • Bakery and flour products;
  • Pasta;
  • Cereals;
  • Legumes;
  • Horseradish;
  • Bananas;
  • Jelly;
  • ice cream;
  • Cakes,
  • chocolate;
  • Sugar;
  • Coffee.

During the course of the diet, you can not eat meat, fish, any animal fats, dairy and dairy products, as well as eggs.

Products that have a low starch content:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Artichoke;
  • Kohlrabi;
  • Asparagus;
  • Soy;
  • Radish;
  • Spinach;
  • Garlic, parsley.

Allowed products, starch free food:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Red and white cabbage,
  • Brussels sprouts, cauliflower;
  • Eggplant; Broccoli;
  • Carrots;
  • Onion, dill, sorrel, nettle, rhubarb;
  • Rutabaga, turnips.


It is allowed to eat dried fruits and nuts.

You can drink any non-carbonated and unsweetened liquids, except jelly.

starch free recipies
Starch free recipies

Amounts no starch diet

Eat when you are eager; stop when you are full. The eating regimen works best on a “request bolstering” premise—that is, eat at whatever point you are eager; make an effort not to eat more than what will fulfill you. Figure out how to tune in to your body. A low-starch diet has a characteristic craving decrease impact to slide you into the utilization of littler and littler amounts easily. In this way, don’t eat everything on your plate since it’s there. Then again, don’t go hungry! You are not including calories. Appreciate getting in shape easily, without appetite or yearnings.

It is suggested that you start your day with a nutritious low-sugar feast. Note that numerous drugs and nourishing enhancements should be taken with nourishment at every supper, or three times each day.


Why does weight loss occur with a starch-free diet?

Starch is the main supplier of carbohydrates to the human body. Under the influence of a number of enzymes, starch is hydrolyzed to glucose, which supplies carbon dioxide and water to the cells. At the same time, when glucose is oxidized, a large amount of energy is released. In the absence of starch, the body is forced to look for other sources of energy. Thus, the process involves your own fat reserves and starts the process of losing weight.

With the starch-free version of the diet, you can use those products that do not contain starch. They also require a certain amount of energy to digest. So it turns out that the body is already deficient in energy, and it needs additional energy. Thus, additional mechanisms of energy production are included – the splitting of fats.

Naturally, under these conditions, the process of losing weight begins, but what is very pleasant, the skin does not lose its tone and elasticity. This is due to the increased intake of vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits.


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Who should not use starch free diets?

starch free recipes
Starch free recipes

This type of diet is more suitable for almost healthy people who do not have serious health problems, especially with the digestive organs. Those who have diseases of the stomach or intestines, the unstable stool is better to refrain from this method of losing weight. Naturally, this type of diet is also not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, it significantly impoverishes nutrition and does not fill the body’s needs during this period.


How to use a starchless diet correctly?

During the first one or two weeks, you must eat only permitted foods, i.e. those that do not contain starch at all. This is not difficult at all, as it may seem at first glance, besides there are no restrictions on the number and methods of cooking fruits and vegetables. At the first feeling of hunger, you can afford to eat any of the allowed products. Even for dessert, the situation doesn’t look so bad. Yes, you can not afford the usual cake or cake, but various dried fruits, especially raisins and prunes, are always at your service.

During the entire period, you can drink as much liquid as you want, but it is still better to give preference to clean water, herbal teas, and a decoction of rose hips. Juices from the menu can not be removed, but their number should be reduced to 0.5 litres per day. Allowed to consume only fresh juices with no added sugar, 0,5 teaspoon of honey they put allowed. The total amount of liquid per day should be at least 1.5 litres. Only with this amount, the body can effectively get rid of toxins and slags that have accumulated in all the cells of the body for many years.

In this diet, there is complete freedom of creativity and you can choose the dishes for the day to your taste. Agree, this is very convenient.

Salads can be filled with lemon juice, it will significantly improve the taste and eliminate the need to add salt. You can also use vegetable or olive oil, but its amount must be strictly dosed, otherwise, the effectiveness of the diet will decrease dramatically.

The best time for a starchless diet is spring-autumn when there is an abundance of various vegetables and fruits in the stores and in the beds.

During this period, you can diversify your meals by adding low-starch foods to them. But you should make a reservation right away, they can not be used often – no more than 2 times a week.

no sugar no flour diet food list
No sugar no flour diet food list

Nuts and dried fruits, although allowed, they need to be treated with restraint in view of their high-calorie content. This does not mean that during the day they can not be eaten at all. You can afford to eat 2-3 walnuts for lunch or dinner, or, for example, eat prunes or raisins for an afternoon snack.

Also, there is almost no ban on cooking methods. They can be eaten fresh, baked, stewed, and boiled. Fried foods are excluded during the diet period.


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The menu for one day can look like this:


vegetable salad of white cabbage with carrots and vegetable oil, a glass of Apple juice;


vegetables baked in their own juice, green tea or weak coffee; afternoon


nuts, fresh fruit;


cauliflower salad with lemon juice, stewed vegetables, fresh fruit.

Having shown imagination and little culinary skills, this diet will not only be easy but also pleasant to eat. After all, you know what you are trying for – to reduce weight by 5-7 kg!


What are the disadvantages of a starchless diet?

Given the fact that this diet contains a lot of fruits and vegetables, and therefore fibre, some people may experience a relaxation of the stool. There is nothing wrong with this, but sometimes it can bring certain inconveniences.

Protein is almost excluded from the menu. That’s why you can’t stay on a starchless diet for more than 2 weeks. If the body is calm enough without fat and carbohydrates can do for a long time, then without protein, it can not function correctly.

The body does not accumulate proteins, and therefore, in their absence, it is forced to use the proteins of its own cells. And this already leads to health problems.


How to get out of the diet?

In the diet, you need to not only enter correctly but also competently get out of it. After all, during this period, the body gets used to a certain type of food, to a set of products. He has already learned to produce the necessary enzymes and digestive juices. Moreover, he had not received any starch or protein in all these weeks, and there was no need to produce enzymes to break them down. Therefore, the first few days for the body will be quite stressful, it will have to quickly “remember” what enzymes it needs now.

During the first days of leaving the diet, enter starch-containing products gradually, little by little. Watch your health. Proteins should also be introduced in fractional portions. Add a few new dried fruits to the diet, such as figs, it has sugar and starch.

It is not necessary to change the menu sharply on the first day, it is better to stretch the process of leaving the diet for a week, including one starchy product during the day. And, of course, you should not start with potatoes or pasta, because they are in the first place in terms of starch content. And more. Many people after such a diet can no longer return to eating the same amount of food. They reach a new level of balanced nutrition, and thus their weight is stabilized, there is no return to the previous kilograms.

The starch-free diet is intended for people who want to lose 5-7 pounds in a couple of weeks. This is a simple and pleasant way to get rid of extra pounds and find a beautiful figure. Those who have tried it at least once, do not look for another diet!


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Potential Benefits of a Starch-Free Diet

An examination distributed in Mayo Clinic Proceedings in 2003 found that following a sans starch diet high in soaked fat for about a month and a half brought about weight reduction without unfavorably influencing cholesterol levels. Some dull nourishments, for example, potatoes in any structure and refined grains, were related to weight gain in an examination distributed in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2011, so eating fewer servings of these nourishments may help with weight reduction.

Another investigation, distributed in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010, found that an eating regimen high in protein and low on the glycemic record might be useful for weight reduction. The glycemic record assesses how rapidly nourishments containing starch raise glucose levels after you eat them. Diets that wipe out all starches can be low on the glycemic file, as long as they likewise wipe out sugary nourishments, and might be high in protein, contingent upon what you choose to eat to supplant the bland nourishments you aren’t eating.


Potential Drawbacks of a Starch-Free Diet

nsng meal plan
Nsng meal plan

Some boring nourishments are noteworthy wellsprings of supplements, so keeping away from them may mean you lose a portion of the potential medical advantages related to these food sources. For instance, entire grains give iron, B nutrients, selenium, magnesium, and fiber and may help diminish the danger of coronary illness and assist you with dealing with your weight. An examination distributed in Public Health Nutrition in 2011 found that eating at any rate three servings of entire grains every day brought down coronary illness and type-2 diabetes hazard up to 30 percent. Oat fiber is likewise connected with weight reduction and fat misfortune, as indicated by an audited article distributed in Nutrients in 2013. Beans are nourishing powerhouses, giving fiber, protein, magnesium, iron, potassium, and folate, and they may help diminish the danger of malignant growth, diabetes, coronary illness, and stoutness.

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