30 days vegetarian diet

1500 calorie vegetarian meal planEating less meat is useful for your wellbeing and the earth. Join our meatless test this month and vow to go meat free diet(regardless of whether you can’t submit full time we’ll take a pledge to eat less meat). We have 30 days of delightful veggie lover and some of the time vegetarian suppers, in addition to sans meat dinner plans and tips to prop you up throughout the entire month. Go along with us!

The vegetarian diet is a popular phenomenon in our time. People believe that plant-based foods provide additional benefits in the form of reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Some vegetarians do not rely too much on processed foods, which can be high in calories, contain a lot of sugar, fat, and harmful trace elements. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to eat a large number of fruits, vegetables and cereals, which satisfy the body’s daily needs for trace elements.

However, a no meat diet for 30 days meets the needs of people of all ages, including children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. The key to a balanced 30 days vegan diet is a well-planned dietary plan that you will make after reading our article.



Types of vegetarianism

When people think of a vegetarian diet, they think of a regular diet, it just doesn’t include meat, poultry, or fish. In fact, their classification is much broader and depends on the products that include and exclude from the diet:

  • Ovo-Lacto vegetarianism excludes meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, as well as products that contain them. It is allowed to use dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and others;
  • the Lacto-vegetarian diet is similar to the previous one, but eggs are also excluded from the menu;
  • meat and dairy products are excluded from the ovo-vegetarian diet;
  • veganism is the most extreme type of diet. At the same time, all possible animal products are excluded from the diet, not only common, but also rarer: gelatin, honey, alcohol, glycerin, and others;

There are two other species that are not so popular in Russia, but are quite common in the rest of the world:

  • pollotarianism-excludes all types of meat except poultry;
  • flexitarianism-the diet may sometimes include all types of meat products, for example, on a holiday or on weekends. In our opinion, this is the best choice;


Lack of trace elementsTypes of vegetarianism

Keep in mind that the stricter the chosen diet, the more difficult it will be for you to find all the necessary nutrients. For example, vitamin B-12 is only found in meat products, but let’s cover the topic in more detail:


Calcium and vitamin D

Calcium is a commander in the process of building strong teeth and bones. You will either have to buy vitamins or use dairy products since you will hardly get it in plant foods. In any case, it is found in turnips, leafy cabbage and broccoli. Soy milk, yogurt, and tofu are also enriched with calcium.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the body. It is added to cow’s milk, as well as some store brands of soy products-check the labels on the products. If you ignore the daily allowance of these vitamins-be prepared for the consequences that are best experienced in the sun — it will slightly raise its level.

During weight loss, the most important elements are b vitamins; vitamin C; calcium; zinc; chromium; magnesium.


Vitamin B-12

The hematopoietic system poorly represents its activity without vitamin B-12. Anaemia is a direct consequence of its lack in the body. The problem is that it can be difficult to get on a vegan diet. The danger is that many herbal products to camouflage the lack of it, as long as no serious problems occur. Take care of purchasing vitamin complexes with its content.



Many people who have ever practised mono-diets are familiar with this problem. Surprisingly, the site’s audience consists of 25% men — so this item will be especially important for you. When there is a lack of protein, the muscles melt like ice cream. It is worth paying attention to eggs and dairy products, which are good sources of protein, and you need to eat them quite a bit. Vegetable proteins can be found in legumes, lentils, nuts, and various seeds, but be careful — these are very fatty foods.

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Omega-3 fatty acids

These acids are important for heart health. On berry — no omega-3 fatty acids. Add more rapeseed or soy oil, walnuts, flaxseeds, and soybeans to your salads — it’s both delicious and healthy. The cardiovascular system will repay you with good health and blood pressure. However, we still draw your attention to vitamin complexes for vegetarian for a month, since the vegetable versions of fatty acids are quite poorly absorbed by the body.


Iron and zinc

The hematopoietic system suffers most from a vegetarian diet. Both trace elements are active participants. Fortunately, there are a lot of vegetarian products with their content: whole grains, cereals, dried fruits, beans and peas, as well as leafy vegetables. We recommend relying on a double daily allowance, since fibre simply drags zinc with it into the intestines, and the body will get only a small portion of the healing metal. Adding citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, tomatoes and cabbage to the diet will definitely not be worse.

If you choose the option with the presence of dairy products in the diet-the lack of iron and zinc will not affect you. Cheese is an excellent source of these substances, and “animal” zinc, unlike vegetable, plays a role in the formation of proteins and cell division.



The thyroid gland stands modestly on the sidelines and asks us not to deprive it of its favourite delicacy-iodine. We save ourselves with iodized salt, sweet potatoes and algae. Violation of the functions of the thyroid gland, by the way, leads to fullness, do we need these problems?

Vitamin supplement


What are the benefits of plant foods

A properly organized plant-based diet has a positive effect on the human body, helps to cleanse it and lose excess weight, and slows down the ageing process.

  • Daily consumption of plant foods helps reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. This food system can reduce the risk of cancer.
  • The use of root crops, cereals, herbs and fruits helps to avoid infection of the body with E. coli, Salmonella.
  • Scientific studies have shown that vegetable eaters live longer than the part of people who eat ordinary foods, animal fats, and meat delicacies.
  • The diet of fans of lean food containing grains, nuts, legumes, fruits, fruits helps to provide the body with necessary vitamins, folic acid. Plant products contain minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of organs. Legumes, tofu, seeds provide protein, leafy greens serve as a supplier of antioxidants.
  • The minimum content of saturated fat and cholesterol normalizes excess weight and reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with excess weight.


Negative side

Like any type of pollotarianism, vegetarianism has some negative properties.

  • If animal protein, which is contained in beef or pork meat, is absorbed by the body completely and quickly enough, then the body spends more time on the absorption of vegetable proteins, while absorbing only half.
  • Some doctors say that without animal fats, the immune system decreases, and the susceptibility to colds increases. Perhaps the cause of anaemia is the loss of calcium, which weakens the bone system.
  • It is not recommended to adhere to this system for children, pregnant women, as well as young people under 30 years of age, so as not to deprive the growing body of some amino acids that affect growth, b vitamins.
  • If you are a vegan, keep in mind that the lack of milk and its derivatives in the diet causes problems of the hematopoietic and nervous systems.
  • The predominance of coarse fibre and legumes in the diet can lead to bloating.

This is not a complete list of the pros and cons of plant-based diets. There are a number of indirect arguments relating to the disadvantages of vegetarianism. The positive side is that some vegetarians-centenarians attribute their good health completely only to the diet.

And the indirect disadvantage is the financial side of the issue. In our conditions, to provide a varied, full-fledged menu without meat and animal fats, you will need significant costs. Yes, not every doctor will take responsibility for the future of the child, if his pregnant mother eats only vegetable products.


Vegetarian diet menuVegetarian diet menu



Start the day with a full meal rich in protein and carbohydrates. Prepare cereal or, in the American way, fried toast. While the main dish is being prepared, whisk the egg and make an omelette.

In General, eggs have a compromise balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, further saturating the body with vitamin D. Any protein food is nutritious and well masks the appetite. By adding them to your Breakfast — you will, on average, eat fewer calories for the rest of the day.

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To get all the necessary trace elements, add pumpkin or sunflower seeds to the morning porridge, you can eat a piece or two of rye bread, muesli is acceptable, and yoghurt as a dessert.

In any case, do not skip Breakfast — since this meal sets the daily level of glucose in the blood, charges you with energy, and adjusts other functions of the body. A bad Breakfast is a bad and sleepy day, which does not contribute to a comfortable diet and weight loss in General.

Vegetarian main dish recipes for Breakfast:

  • the pancakes with spinach
  • vegan mushroom pancakes with tomatoes
  • tofu pancakes for Breakfast
  • egg roll + toast
  • spicy tofu
  • muffins
  • Flaxseed porridge with apples
  • buckwheat pancakes with cherry and cinnamon
  • oatmeal with fruit, creamy yogurt
  • fruits and nuts


Morning snack

Yes, Yes. Do not forget that we practice a diet, and the standard condition for weight loss is the principle of “eat more often, but less”.

No special instructions are required, just get better with carbohydrate foods, such as fruit, cupcakes, and salad.

Examples of dishes:

  • crispbreads;
  • fruit and peanut butter sandwich;
  • bread ” 7 cereals»;
  • fried egg;
  • berry fresh smoothie;
  • nut pancakes with berries.



In the middle of the day, the body needs to be fed with proteins and carbohydrates. To meet this need, the body will be able to: beans, nuts, peas, grains, in combination with starchy foods — potatoes or rice. Between 12 and 13 hours of the day, there is a metabolic decline, so the portion volumes should be quite large, with a variety of trace elements, in order to avoid a decline in strength and mood. It’s time to raise your blood sugar level a little — this will help us with products with a high glycemic index — fruit.

We completely forgot to tell you anything about fats — you should not get carried away with them. Use them as a source of trace elements, not a way to eat. Some vitamins are absorbed only in their presence: A, D, E and K. unfortunately, plant foods, in general, are not too rich in them, so once again we draw your attention to ovo-Lacto or flexitarianism — dairy products will come in very handy here. In any case, you can do nuts, avocado, olive oil, various seeds.

Dishes for lunch:

  • chilli soup with chickpeas and lentils;
  • vegetable stew with cashew;
  • Mediterranean salad with avocado;
  • spicy vegetable stew;
  • stuffed tomatoes;
  • Indian chicken soup;
  • rice with beans;
  • bean salad with dressing.


Afternoon snack

Later in the evening, the body begins to want something delicious: whether it’s salty or sweet. Do not give in and forget about various chips, crackers and other semi-finished products — only homemade Goodies — – only hardcore. At one time, I was very attracted to Kozak’s, until I learned to make my own version from a mixture of seeds and dried fruits. In stores, you can find dry corn that is not Packed in advance in a package that is full of palm oil. Just put them in the pan-the temperature will do the trick. The resulting popcorn, I seasoned with cinnamon or regular salt. I tried not to joke with sugar. Alternatively, crackers with cream cheese are very tasty.

Afternoon tea offers:

  • sandwich with blue cheese, pears or roasted nuts;
  • homemade kozinak from a mixture of seeds and dried fruits;
  • popcorn with chilli, salt or cinnamon;
  • sweet potatoes with peas;
  • vegetable rolls.



At the end of the day, the body doesn’t need much energy. Give preference to a diet low in fat and carbohydrates, but rich in fibre – this will help control your appetite and relax in the evening. The main goal is to provide the body with energy until morning. A good choice: eggs, tofu, milk, pumpkin seeds-the skin, in the process of night regeneration, will be grateful for the omega-3 fatty acids received in the body.

Evening diet:

  • vegetarian pie with sweet potato puree;
  • mushrooms and spiced potatoes;
  • bell pepper with olive oil;
  • spaghetti with spinach and pumpkin seeds;
  • baked with tomatoes and nuts;
  • Chinese noodles with tofu and eggs;
  • artichoke jam with cream cheese;
  • tofu with asparagus.


Vegetarian menu for 7 days

Vegetarian for a week:


Day 1

vegetarian shopping list and meal plan
Vegetarian shopping list and meal plan

Breakfast (297 kcal)

Vegetarian main dishes

Oatmeal with fruit and nuts

  • cook half a Cup of oatmeal in half a Cup of skim milk and a glass of water;
  • 1/2 medium apple cut into cubes;
  • take 1 tbsp. chopped walnuts;
  • sprinkle the oatmeal with apples, nuts and cinnamon.
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Morning snack (47 calories)

  • half an Apple;

Lunch (337 calories)

Green salad with spiced nuts

  • 2 cups dried herbs;
  • 5 cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • 1/2 cup cucumber slices;
  • 1/4 cup spiced nuts;
  • 1 tbsp feta cheese;
  • combine the ingredients and pour 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

High tea (80 calories)

  • half a Cup of low-fat yogurt;
  • quarter Cup of sliced strawberries.

Dinner (431 kcal)

  • 1 serving of mozzarella cheese, Basil and zucchini;
  • leafy greens;
  • make a salad, top with half a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 2 slices of bread cut into slices on the diagonal and fry. There are other meals;


Day 2

food network vegetarian recipes
Food network vegetarian recipes

Vegan meal plan pdf.

Breakfast (264 kcal)

  • 1 Cup low-fat yogurt;
  • quarter Cup of muesli;
  • 1/4 cup blueberries.

Morning snack (70 calories)

  • 2 mandarins.

Lunch (316 calories)

  • 2 cheddar cheese and tomato sandwiches;
  • a green salad;
  • 200 gr. sliced cucumber;
  • 75 gr. grated carrot;
  • 30 gr. crushed walnuts;
  • mix the ingredients and the salad, add the olive oil.

High tea (78 calories)

  • 6 walnuts.

Dinner (422 kcal)

  • cakes made from pumpkin and bean;
  • salad with spiced nuts


Day 3

ethnic vegetarian recipes
Ethnic vegetarian recipes

Breakfast (279 kcal)

  • 1 piece of bran toasted bread;
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter;
  • 1 banana.

Morning snack (78 calories)

  • 1 hard-boiled egg, seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper;

Lunch (337 calories)

Spicy vegetarian recipes.

Green salad with spiced nuts

  • 2 cups dried herbs;
  • 5 cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • 1/2 Cup cucumber slices;
  • 1/4 Cup spiced nuts;
  • 1 tbsp feta cheese;
  • combine the ingredients and pour 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

High tea (103 kcal)

  • 2/3 Cup low-fat yogurt;
  • 3 tablespoons blueberries or blueberries.

Dinner (427 calories)

  • 450 grams of tomatoes and cooked artichokes;
  • rice with vegetables


Day 430 day vegan challenge

Breakfast (264 kcal)

  • 1 Cup low-fat yogurt;
  • half a Cup of muesli;
  • 150 gr. blueberries;
  • pour the muesli with blueberries and yogurt.

Morning snack (105 calories)

  • 8 walnuts;

Lunch (332 kcal)

  • 250 gr. tomatoes and artichokes;
  • 2 teaspoons herbal seasonings;
  • make a salad, season with herbs and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

High tea (70 calories)

  • 1 orange;

Dinner (420 calories)

  • rice with beans and vegetables;
  • half a Cup of cooked brown unpolished rice;
  • 1/2 Cup cooked black beans;
  • 100 gr. green pepper and 75 gr. onions, cut and fry in 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 25 gr. grated cheese;
  • sprinkle the rice with beans, vegetables and cheese. Coriander, lime or hot sauce can be used as a side dish;


Day 5

going vegetarian for a month
Going vegetarian for a month

Breakfast (266 kcal)

Egg toast

  • 1 slice of toasted bran bread;
  • 40g avocado puree;
  • 1 large egg, fry in 1/4 teaspoon of oil, spread over the pan in a thin layer;
  • put the eggs on the bread and the avocado puree on top;
  • 1 Mandarin.

Morning snack (64 calories)

  • 50 gr. green pepper cut into;
  • 2 tablespoons of hummus.

Lunch (351 calories)

Pita with apples and cheese

  • 1 pita;
  • 1 tbsp mustard;
  • half of a finely chopped medium Apple;
  • 30 gr. cheese’s;
  • 1 teaspoon of herbs;
  • cut the pita in half and spread the mustard inside. Place the Apple and cheese slices inside. Cook in the oven or microwave until the cheese starts to melt. Add the herbs and serve.

High tea (100 calories)

  • 1/2 medium Apple;
  • 4 walnuts.

Dinner (438 kcal)

  • a plate of boiled rice;
  • 2 bundles of spinach, steamed;


Day 630 day plant based diet plan

Breakfast (264 kcal)

  • 1 Cup low-fat yogurt;
  • 100 gr. muesli;
  • 1/2 Cup blueberries or other berries;
  • sprinkle with blueberries and add yogurt.

Morning snack (60 calories)

  • 1/2 Cup cucumber slices;
  • 2 tablespoons of hummus.

Lunch (332 kcal)

  • 250 gr. tomatoes and artichokes;
  • 2 teaspoons herbal seasonings;
  • make a salad, season with herbs and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Afternoon snack (147 calories)

  • 1 medium-sized Apple;
  • 4 walnuts.

Dinner (394 kcal)

Pete’s “Pizza»

  • 1 medium-sized pita;
  • 1 small tomato, sliced;
  • 25 grams of mozzarella balls;
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh Basil;
  • smear the pita inside with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, place the tomato and mozzarella inside. Cook until the cheese melts. Add the Basil just before serving;
  • a sandwich


Day 7

vegetarian diet plan for weight loss pdf
Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss pdf

Breakfast (297 kcal)

Oatmeal with fruit and nuts

  • cook half a Cup of oatmeal in half a Cup of skim milk and a glass of water;
  • 1/2 medium apple cut into cubes;
  • take 1 tbsp. chopped walnuts;
  • sprinkle the oatmeal with apples, nuts and cinnamon.

Morning snack (47 calories)

French vegetarian recipes:

  • half of an average Apple;
  • 2 cheddar cheese and tomato sandwiches;
  • A green salad;
  • 200 gr. sliced cucumber;
  • 75 gr. grated carrot;
  • 30 gr. crushed walnuts;
  • mix the ingredients and the salad, add the olive oil.

High tea (109 calories)

  • 2/3 Cup low-fat yogurt;
  • 1/4 Cup blueberries.

Dinner (400 calories)

  • fried rice with cheese and tomatoes.

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